dreams, passion, legacy

Your Dreams, Passions, and Legacy

“When I grow up, I will be______”.

How many of you have had a dream like that? You visualize yourself as this successful person doing the best thing that you could ever imagine. It’s your dream, your passion, and your legacy that you hope to achieve when you grow up.

So, what’s stopping you from getting there? What’s standing in your way? From my coaching experience, almost every client pointed fingers to different obstacles in their lives; they were unconsciously standing in their own way. Once they got a chance to deeply reflect and connect with their true passion, they were able to overcome the obstacles and forward their actions. 

This is an internal change process. As with any change that takes place at your work, home, or life in general, there will be some people who would be excited about it while others who are not. The same thing is true for internal change. How is this possible? Let’s look at this in more details using the 20/50/30 rule. 

Let’s say you are an engineer and very passionate about singing and want to take some classes so you can advance your singing. The 20/50/30 rule says that as you encounter a new change, 20% of people will be excited about this change and will jump on it. The 20% is your passion for singing. You can’t wait to learn the latest in singing and embrace it to be part of who you are.

The 50% during change is the group of people who are borderline. They are aware of the change and can’t wait to be part of it; however, they need a push from the 20%. This 50% is your own actions and words. This is how others perceive you. They see the engineer and so much of a singer. 

The 30% is the group of people that is completely against change no matter what. These are your saboteurs. They are the voices in your head and they tell you different things: “you’re not worthy”; “how could you sing and embarrass yourself?”; “what will people think of you?”. You see, this is how you are standing in your own way of achieving your own dreams.

You need to empower your actions by fulfilling your passions and building your legacy. This will align 70% of yourself in one direction which will be powerful in overcoming the 30%.
If you are among the 13% engaged employees worldwide, then kudos to you for embracing your 70% and overcoming your 30%. If you are among the 87% who are not engaged at work, what are you waiting for?

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